PicnicShop's Perfect Picnic Pickings: A Significant Trifle

Hello PicnicShoppers!

Here at PicnicShop HQ we think that a perfect picnic today can be just about as sophisticated as you want them to be. However posh your picnic, however, it's important not to forget pudding. A speedily assembled great British trifle is guaranteed to hit the spot when you're admiring a slice of the British countryside.'

One option is Delia Smith's brilliant Cheat's Chocolate Trifle. For a more traditional take on the dish, line a (plastic) bowl with 10-12 madeleines or small French sponges from the supermarket. Add a glug (5 fl oz) of sherry or maybe orange juice if it absolutely has to be family friendly. Spread some fruit on top, say a packet of frozen raspberries and some tinned apricot halves - nice colours, even nicer taste. Then comes the layer of custard (600 ml), one tin of shop bought or make thick custard at home (use half the usual amount of milk). On top place 425ml of your well whipped cream and some flaked almonds. '

Check out the PicnicShop range of Coolbags and Picnicware to make sure you get your trifle to the picnic in one piece!

Enjoy your Picnicking!

The PicnicShop Team