Picnic Spot - St Herbert's Island, Keswick, Cumbria

Drop a pin in a map anywhere near Keswick and you won't be too far away from a fantastic picnic spot, but we have 'something 'a little different for you.
For a picnic spot that's 'extra special, head to the Keswick shore of Derwentwater ' and hire a wooden rowing boat (www.keswick-launch.co.uk/rowing.htm). From here you're able to row a short distance out to the National Trust's St Herbert's Island in the middle of the lake. Pull your boat on the sand and enjoy one of the most tranquil picnics you're likely to get - all with splendid views of the Cumbrian countryside. After you've eaten it's time to explore.
Ideal for romantic picnics or families with kids that love an adventure!