Weber Compact 57cm BBQ with 7416 Chimney Starter

Where to buy

£185.87 £165.98

Checked: 23/01/2025

Brand: Weber

Categories: BBQ Barbecue Outdoor Dining

Tags: garden dining Garden Dining

  • The first item is a porcelain bowl with a lid.
  • Fuel grate made of thick steel.
  • Product 2: Allows for quick and consistent charcoal lighting.
  • Product number two is a cylindrical canister that contains enough charcoal to fill your kettle barbecue.
  • Lid handle with heat shield is the first product. Cooking grate made of plated steel.
  • Product 2: For all kettle charcoal grill members.
  • Product 2: Has two handles for easy pouring of hot briquettes.
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